Only in Alberta can you go from scorching temperatures where even in the shade you sweat to gale force winds, pouring rain, broken tree branches etc. You dress for all 4 seasons and have your vehicle packed the same. Cause you never know what season may approach you when you least expect it.
When I left work today, it was a nice little rain only to look out my window when I got home to a downpour. So my inqusitive self thought I would peek out my front door and see what was happening there only to find this...
My very own lake!! Oh happy day!! Not so much. Now most people would love to have a lake out front of their front door, but not when it's murky, yucky and gunky. I am sure if my boys were home oh the FUN they would have!! I'd have to put water wings on Carter cause he'd going billowing through that sucker like a stampeding herd of Hippos, cause you know he's so petit and all. Ha!! Water and mud would be flying all over. Let's just say I am thankful they are not home.
So upon further inspection I found this as well...
The lake broke bank and is spilling over the driveway! Oiy!!
Despite the downpour and howling winds, I managed to capture my photo for today (despite getting soaked right through).
DAY 26 - Plops - shot in AV

Hopefully tomorrow I don't wake up to snow!
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