Picking up pieces was something I wasn't expecting to have to do today. Sometimes life takes you in so many different directions that you just learn to go with the flow. I learned that I more intelligent than i was giving myself credit for. I dumbed down for others, so I didn't seem superior. And after awhile it just became the norm. Then he came along and all that changed. I discovered I have a passion for Human and Civil rights, that I have thirst to learn about the environment, mammals, birds. I also discovered that shrews will not attack you even though they sound like they will rip your limbs off when rustling through the ground cover! Yep, true story right there! I rediscovered that I like to hike and be outdoors. It's gonna be weird without him around.
As I uploaded pictures tonight, I found myself admiring the spirit of the children. They are carefree, no worries, nothing. They run, they play and live with intent. The only thing they care about is when its snack time...lol. They aren't at the age where they have to worry if they will get their heartbroken or their dreams won't come true. They live for the moment and do what comes naturally to them.
My shot for day 33 is of my little guy Carter. He's 18 months and he drives me nuts. God honest truth. If he wasn't as cute as he is, well...but when I look at his pictures, he doesn't have a care in the world. He loves to run, let the wind ruffle what hair he has, laughs, clings to me, runs, clings to me some more and then he's off again.
DAY 33

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw
Happy Monday!
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