Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hello, My Name is "Grace"

For being somewhat of an athletic person, one would think said athletic person should move with ease and with grace. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! As if. I am about as graceful as a Goose doing a rendition of Swan Lake! I swear God should have given me 2 left feet instead of a right and a left. At least this way I would have some sort of excuse when I tripped or stumble for no apparent reason.

Today is a prime example. Went out for a walk by my little pond just north of the house, to try my hand at my new little toy...Canon 55-250mm lens!! OMG! I am in heaven! LOVE IT! So, back to the story at hand, as I was walking along, noticed something diving in and out of the water that was alot bigger than a muskrat, so me in my infinite wisdom investigated what this creature was. As I crept closer to the shore of the pond, I noticed it was in fact a beaver!! And he was coming in my direction!!! Eeeee!!! So excited that I got myself in position for the "perfect photo". As I readied, he ambled his large framed body up on the shore, and just as he was about to nibble on the tree, and I to get the "perfect photo" fell. That critter took one look at me and bolted. I don't blame him I would too! Lol!!

Darn it. But the little bugger didn't get the best of me. Ha ha! I followed the water loving critter til he came ashore again and managed to get him having a bath.

DAY 28 - Clearly Canadian

Photo was shot in Portait mode, ISO 200. Cropped photo to enhance the critter.

DAY 29 - Mama Duck, shot in Portrait mode, ISO 200, Cropped photo and added a soft focus to deter the distraction of the tall weeds.

Happy Thursday!!
