Hey there! it's been a while I know. Life somehow has mistakenly taken an off roading trip and unfortunately for me and the kiddos, we left the map at home. That said, this is what I have been up to for the last oooh say month or so.
A dear friend of mine is expecting his first baby due any day now. Mama was due on September 24. It is now September 28 and as far as I know, Mama is still preggers and both are anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby Z.
Have a mentioned I love the colors of fall...browns, the burgandies, burnt orange and mottled yellows amongst the leaves...the softness of the light in the late afternoons...mmmm....makes me all daydreamy.
Here are few photos from our very impromptu maternity session. Mama day of the shoot was 40 weeks + 2 days and she was still smiling.
Mama radiated through the whole shoot. I am so excited for when Baby Z will make her grand appearance!
And everything nice, is what little girls are made of!?!? Right?!?
Well, that's what I thought or maybe the old nursery rhyme needs to be tweaked a little bit for the 21st century; now I am not saying that all girls are not as the rhyme states, I'm just saying one might want to add, "dirt and grime make for a fun time" when it comes to this little cutie below.
I got to spend my first weekend with Miss G and her daddy. We had a blast that weekend. I traded my dress pants, high heel shoes, and fancy shirts for yoga pants, tshirt and sandals and for 3 fun filled hours army crawling through the tall grasses or simply trying to blend in with the round pen to capture some of the shots below.
There are no words that can express my love for the prairies. Being a prairie girl born and raised on the family farm, i find a peacefulness and calming essence when I walk amongst the land. Letting the wind tossle my hair, fresh air filling my nostrils and feeling of absolute solitude at my finger tips.
Hard to believe summer is already over and Fall is gracing us with her presence. *Sigh* oh well, at least the colors are much more beautiful and i love the crispness of the mornings.
The boys and I managed some days trips here and there and I played a small amount of ball this year...and for those who know me well I live and breathe baseball and to scale back to only 4 tournaments this summer is HUGE!!
And to welcome Fall and the harvest, I got to capture my friend's beautiful baby belly over this past weekend. She's due in 13 days and looks amazing. Damn her! Lol! Just kidding. I love her and that belly to pieces.
We had such a great time doing this shoot, even when the hoppers decided it would be fun to crawl all over during a portion of the shoot. Oh what we photographers do for a good photo! lol!!
Not sure what happened today but wowzers! Maybe it's been all the rain we've been having and the lack of sunshine that's making me have some "off" moments.
I took the camera out thinking that would break the funk which it did for a little bit but the photos I took are so bittersweet. My boys are growing up way too fast and all before my eyes.
It wasn't until after i took the photos, I realized the symbolism of what was in them...a yield sign...
then a stop sign...
To go with the "offness" I found myself silently wishing time could stand still as I watched them run and chatter away with each other. Wishing my babies could stay little forever.
Omg! I have never ever LOVED a session so much as I have this one. I love babies, all babies, but Little "M" OMGoodness steal your heart and the show! I could just snuggle him forever!
His session was an impromptu one as his mama Kim left him in the capable hands of Auntie Hayley when I stumbled into the trailer with my camera in tow and he was blowing drool bubbles, chatting up a storm and throwing some smiles around. So naturally I had to seize the moment!
I keep looking at these over and over and OVER! You'd think I was obsessed or something but am just so in love with the photos and how they turned out.
No it's not some strange new crossbred critter. It's my youngest. He is exactly that animal...he bounces around in bed (asleep mind you), tosses and turns, flips and flops and then he's all twisted with arms and legs are everywhere - arms in my face, little toes in my back and legs across my body. There's been the occassional wake up to a fist being thrown my way! lol! But none-the-less he usually leaves me with the edge of the bed and a nasty backache the next day and the possibility of fat lip too! Hehehe!
But he is the most precious little cargo. I did a photo shoot not that long ago with him. And tried my hand at some different angles and took advantage of the natural light to get a desire vintage like look.
These are all SOOC.
Carter loves the camera lately and he seems to be the inspiration I'm seeking - carefree, fun loving pureness.