DAY 6 - Grubby little fingers
Yogurt is so much fun to play with. Especially when you can squeeze it through your fingers, smear all over and then rub it in your hair like shampoo...OIY!! Meal times with Carter is never a dull moment.
DAY 5 - Kisses for Kitty
Carter and our cat Sox are the best of buds. Sox tolerates so much of the tormet Carter bestows upon him. Like cleaning his ears with q-tips, sitting on him, pulling his whiskers, so to actually see him show the "love" is nice to see.
DAY 4 - Tick, tick, tick - KA-BOOM!
As you can see, we have quite the array of colors of baseball bags on our team. Everything from Purple to Pink, Red to Orange and of course black - But where's the fun in that.

DAY 3 - Foxy Knoxy
Knox (aka Krista) is one of my bestest friends that I've had since I moved here 6 years ago. She got the nickname Knox cause she is one of the few female players that can hit the ball just as far as the guys.
DAY 2 - Watchful Silence
This is one of my favourite shots. Watching the play from the other side of the fence and watching it unfold. I caught Miss Hayley before she managed to catch me snap this photo of her. Hehehe!!
That is great to see you are blogging. I will be following your challenge.