My very first "hairy" baby, was a fuzzy little ball of fur and claws. His name was sox. He was too darn cute for words even when he'd run from the other end of the hall and climb up your bare legs, he was still pretty darn cute.
Then Regan came along and I wasn't sure how Sox would handle having a hairless pet around. But to my amazement they were best buds from the day Regan came home from the hospital and let out his first cry. Sox all in a panic come screeching from the kitchen up on the couch, sniffed the baby, looked at me like "Do something!" and then head bonked him and the bond took hold that very moment.
Regan and Sox were buddies at heart. Sox tolerated the torment of whisker pulling, hair pulling, sitting on and the odd WWE knocked down. He loved him just the same.
Then came the other. I thought for sure Sox was gonna lose all of his hair. He wasn't quite sure of his new hairless pet, cause it squeaked more than the other one. But none the less, he attached himself to Carter as he did Regan. Any cry, there he was there waiting ever so patiently for me to come and quiet the child.
Sox endured more whisker pulling, tail pulling, nose pushing, and the odd ear cleaning with the qtip. He was content to sit there while he was being tormented. When he had enough he would simply get up and leave, never harming either of the boys.
He was the best pet anyone could ask for. Today was a sad day as we sent him with my mom to the farm as we could no longer have him with us.
The boys didn't seem to mind, but for this mama, I was letting my first "hairy" baby leave the nest and it wasn't what I expected. Red puffy eyes and lots of Kleenex. So in 12 years when the first hairless baby does leave the next, I am sure the same feeling will come flooding back.
Enjoy chasing gophers and mice Sox! Enjoy photo 11 to our best friend Sox
Happy Sunday!
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