My heart hangs heavy these past few days. I find myself questioning why it is that life can be so rewarding but yet so cruel at the same time? Is it to remind us that no matter how good things are in life, that in the blink of an eye it can be destroyed in seconds? Is it to punish us for our own happiness while there is so much pain and anguish around the world?
A couple days ago my girlfriend was handed a sentance no parent should ever have to experience. She and her husband, on Friday, will be burying her son. A beautiful young man with a heart of gold like his mother and an all around kid that everyone liked and loved. I never got to meet her son, but from reading about him he was amazing boy who was full of life and loved life. I pray she finds peace in the coming days and comfort in the memories and the knowledge he will always be with her, watching from above and when needed will give her the most gentle of kisses just to let her know he's not far.
My new friend and fellow blogger, Melissa over at Champagne Wishes wrote a post today about "A Rose by any other name" which triggered this post today. She's finding that God is testing her patience in regards to the challenges life has given her. She portrays beautiful white roses in her post, and mentions that it's a true test to "stop and smell the roses".
Life is so short and so fragile. Make the most of it...give hugs and kisses when you can, if you have to steal them; forgive those who need forgiveness and be forgiven; never leave an argument unfinished without reconciliation and tell those you love that you love them; for you never know when you will get those chances again.
Tomorrow will be my first deep breath of those flowers, cause those that matter are worth every sniff.
Take the time to smell the roses and you will be glad you did.
I leave you with this,
"My child, be attentive to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; keep them within your heart. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:20-22
xo Kel
Oh Kel - your words capture it all. Enjoy the moment... be present... truly it is all that we have.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your insight.