Yes, once upon a time I used to be a cowgirl (and yes "Once upon a time" does exist). Used to don the wranglers, that were extremely "well fitted", the shirts, the boots you name, I wore it. But having moved passed that to more modern wear, I find I love my sweatpants more and more as each year passes. It's all about comfort, as opposed to "squeezing" oneself into a one size smaller pair of jeans.
Well, didn't that little blast from the past take a sharp 360...hehehe.
To pick up where I left off as the title states, the past few months have been INSANE! Work is nuts with the award of the Project and throw in kids, school activities, and Christmas one would think you could easily lose your mind. Fear not! I kept mine in tact for the most part. Mind you I was looking forward to the 10 days off while the shop shut down over Christmas.
Christmas was extremely busy this year as the boys and I headed home to Hanna. Christmas Eve was spent with my dad's side of the family (I haven't been there in 5 years...eeek!!) The boys had a blast playing with their cousins and I had a great visit with everyone. The evening was too short but none the less was great.
Here's Papa with 2 of his 3 boys
Great Grandma with 3 of 11 of her great grandchildren
Meet Beethoven and Mozart
Papa's girl and his 2 fave boys
Christmas Day was at the farm...the boys got SPOILED beyond all belief. Didn't help cause this mama helped fuel that fire too. But in the end I was the one who was spoiled as the boys each got their portable DVD players...thank heavens there is a God, now if only that same God had gotten them their own headphones to go with! Let's say by the time we got home my head was spinning with the sounds of Despicable Me, Thomas the Train and Black Eyed Peas in the CD player.
Papa with his two youngest grandsons
I honestly think Dumpster came from the planet of Naboo.
Die hard Oilers fan...had to peel him out of his jersey...he refused to take it off.
This one was more!
Boxing Day was a visit and playdate with an old friend and her family followed by the grandparents coming over for dinner. So in the first 3 days of Christmas vacay I had already had enough family and was ready to run screaming to the hills. Love them dearly but HOLY!
While we were there, we also had a pre-Carter turns 2 Birthday Party. My friend Jill and the oh so adorable Lexie came to celebrate.
We made it home Tuesday night at 6...a 3.5 hour trip that took almost 5 hours. By the time I brought the last load in the house, I gave the kids a snack and a juice and proceeded to nestle myself into my comfy new couches with a glass of white wine. Mmmm...ahhh just what the doctor ordered.
I'll leave you with the ramblings of the holiday season and a couple pictures to tide you over with until I can get some more up here this evening.
Stay warm, play safe this Holiday Season!!
P.S. I couldn't resist...brings back some funny memories from days gone by!! heee!
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