Then came news that no one ever, ever wants to hear about...the death of a child. This child happened to be a friend's, friends' daughter. She was taken to Stollery and passed away this afternoon. No parent should ever have to bury their child. My heartbreaks for them and their family losing someone so little. I came home today and hugged my guys and told them repeatedly how much I loved them and pray every day nothing happens to them. They both looked at me like "who are you and why are you smothering me in kisses!" One day they will understand.
I don't know what I would do without these two monkeys...even though after the 100th time you've heard, "MOMMMMIIIEEE" screeching from the backseat, or "he's touching me or not sharing", the sass, the back talk, it's there unconditional love that wipes the slate clean or just the simple fact they gave you the puppy dog eyes and you caved lol. But nonetheless I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Having kisses and hugs every morning and night is the best gift any parent could ever have.

Just a little song, that reminds me of all the angels in heaven.
My mind hasn't stopped praying for a successful surgery, successful recovery and prayers to heal a broken heart.
Fortunately for me, I have never had to witness or bare the heartache of losing a child or someone close to me losing their child. But regardless your heartaches just the same.
I pray tonight for peace for everyone. I pray that your hurt will heal and the memories remain strong in heart and mind. I pray for recovery that is fast and as pain free it can be. I pray that tomorrow the storm clouds pass and a ray of sunshine lay at your feet.