Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Land of the Living

Holy moly does time sure fly...looked at the date of my last post and it was August 18!!! YIKES!!!

Lots has happened in the course of two months. R started school, C, well C just continues to be C and I've been super busy with work, trying to a take a photo a day, find a computer that will like me and allow me to upload photos. Went camping, went to Jasper and Hinton to see an old friend, made a trip to the farm for thanksgiving and such. Ball hockey will start soon for R and then life as we know it will cease to exist. Sigh...

So since my last post was for DAY 63 I believe I have some photos to share over the last couple of months. To make it easier for moi, I am just uploading the next 63 days worth of photos in no random order.

Well that post is a little photo heavy, so enjoy, the sights, the imaginary sounds of the rushing water and have a wonderful evening!!

Kel ;)

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