"Sometimes you gotta kiss a lot of frogs to find your Prince Charming."

In my case I thank GOD I have a thing for lip gloss and antibacterial wipes cause good lord, my lips are starting to get real chapped. Hmmphhh!

Well now that, that's out I feel much better! lol!
Sometimes, one wonders why they have to "kiss so many frogs" so to speak, before they find that one that will make them feel all "butterfies in your tummy; heart skip a beat and take your breath away" feeling. Even though I am a strong, confident, intelligent woman, I am sometimes taken back and wonder what I did wrong. But then I start thinking, there's nothing wrong with me at all. Hmmmm...
Maybe I'm getting too "picky" in my old age or maybe it's just I know what I want in a relationship, in a man and am not willing to settle for anything but what I want. Sheesh, almost sound like a toddler having a temper tantrum there...hehehe! I will admit though, that I do sometimes forget what I want and do start to settle because some days it's just so darn hard to wake up and drag your butt out of bed, knowing its you against the world for another go. Mind you I am starting to enjoy tossling the days around but at some point you do want what everyone around you has.
My Knight in Shining Armour is out there, I just need to weed through the Retards in Tinfoil to find him. And until I find my Knight in Shining Armour, these little princes will do just fine.
And these fine members of the court.

The Court Jester

Happy Tuesday all!
xo Kel