2010 was a year of growth and reflection; I deemed it "My Year". I did alot of soul searching. With that came alot of tears, outbursts of anger, frustration hitting an all time high and the hardest of all combined, the acceptance of a past that happened for a reason.
While I was traveling down the road of memories past, a flood of memories hit me and as I was struggling to stay afloat, it was that moment where my soul came to peace with the turbulance that encompassed my life and I was able to allow myself to feel the hurt and to cry and to accept all the events that happened for a reason and yea the road was long but it has made me into the person I am today - strong, confident, driven and bubbly. Someone I had long forgotten about tee hee! With that I set goals.
Now it's 2011 and I have a fresh slate to scribble my story on...
Starting with a HUGE secret I can't reveal until later in the year...just a little project I've got in the works...SSSHHHHH...followed by numerous classes in photography, fitness and yoga;
camping and fun activities with my boys
more of these fun sessions,

and maybe even another one of these (God help me why)

lastly, I'm looking forward to putting the brakes on and stopping to smell the flowers and gaze at the stars. I can already feel the zen flowing through. Ahhh the tranquility. I'm so pumped to see how the rest of the year plays out.
And how could I forget...this little baby is on my wish list

I'll leave you for tonight with some random shots I took yesterday.
